Compiling Ruby 1.9.2 on OpenIndiana/OpenSolaris

Posted by James Brink - DevOps Engineer on August 5, 2011

Compiling Ruby 1.9.2 on OpenIndiana/OpenSolaris

After fighting for a few hours trying to install RVM(Ruby Version Manager) and Ruby-1.9.2, I thought I would share how I managed to get it done. My environment was a fresh install of OpenIndiana b151, and I was installing into a Solaris container (zone). I chose to install RVM in multi-user mode, but these steps should work the same for single user mode as well. To get started you will need to install the following packages:

pkg install gawk autoconf gnu-tar gcc-3 gnu-findutils wget git gnu-grep

Now follow the usual instructions for installing RVM (, but be sure to pass the -sk options to curl like so:

bash < <(curl -sk

The -k option tells curl to allow connections to SSL sites without certs. Now I did not bother with fixing the root of this problem as this was a development box and I could care less. There is a post here: that explains the proper way to fix the certificate issues (if you run into this like I did). The method I chose to get around this issue was to simply edit the following file /usr/local/rvm/scripts/fetch and appened -k to the curl commands like so:

vi /usr/local/rvm/scripts/fetch
"fetch_command="curl -k -x${rvm_proxy} -f -L --create-dirs -C - " # -s for silent"
"fetch_command="curl -k -f -L --create-dirs -C - " # -s for silent"

Now there is one more crucial piece to this puzzle that you will need to compile ruby. At the time of this writing OpenIndiana/Opensolaris are missing a math library that used to be included in SUNWlibm. You can read more about the missing library here:

The simple way to resolve this issue is by downloading a tar from, extracting it and manually placing the required header files in your /user/include. <–alternative downloads

#Extract the tar file and copy the contents from tar file like so
tar xfvz devpro-libm-src-20060131.tar.bz2
cp -r ./usr/src/libm/inc/* /usr/include/

You should now be ready to log out and log out and back in, and issue rvm install ruby-1.9.2 (or whatever version you would like). Everything compiled fine for me after this. Good luck.